HR Humor

THCCS welcome your real-life HR humor and quotes.  Send your humor or quotes to with subject line:  HR Humor and Quotes.  We would love to share your experiences and give you credit for your contributions.   

  • Software developer remote or office work area…dim the lights for critical thinking, please!

  • Companies rebadging process in the pandemic. The new company badge look to identify employees.

  • Meet the Escort Squad. Time to go to the big office, conference room, or exit door.

  • Hey, we’ve slain the other working dead, there’s one left to remove.

  • Oh no, that difficult untrainable, unbreakable client or customer, the relationship just got more broken with this incident!

  • Bathrooms gender or non-gender specific designation have become challenging, but really, how about just plain Restroom!

  • All other HR duties too…just not enough hours in the work day.

  • Say “No” to office romance. Watch and learn, few often end well.

  • Sophisticated theft strategies meet cyber surveillance techology. Would be thieves proceed at your own HIGH risk of being caught and serving as the next case study for security, HR, or even Homeland Security Training.

  • This wasn’t an altercation; we were reenacting a scene from MadMen. HR response, you’re both fired!

  • When your homies don’t show up for your fishing outing but your administrative assistant does, they’re the bait and you’re on the hook for trouble. Run, leave the scene immediately! Do whatever you must because at the end of the day, you can’t throw the events occurring during the outing back into the water.

  • Corporate dress codes transformations from business formal to business casual and some people really pressing the limits on dress code policies.


HR Quotes